One of the major reasons why many sisters constantly shed tears in marriage is due to foolishness while making marital choices and lack of vision and belief in a man.
About 80% of spinster presently seeking and crying out their eyes in prayers for a marital breakthrough is not ready to hearken unto the blind leading of God's direction.

They are clouded with the physical attributes of a man and not what God has in store for such a man. They are yet to resolve all unto God's perfect will.


This is a man who might not likely have all the wealth and glory in his possession. This is a man who is likely squatting in Face-me & Slap-you apartment.

This is a man who might not likely has good academic acquaintance and presently serving God in fearfulness and righteousness.

God's Perfect-will husband for you in marriage isn't ascertained by his earthly acquaintance or physical achievement but rather by his spiritual labour in God's vineyard.

God doesn't access a man base on his huge earthly credentials but rather based on his spiritual faith, belief and trustfulness in God. God doesn't have business with a wealthy or rich man as his perfect-will choice for you but rather with an honourable man of spiritual integrity.

Someone who believes in him and is willfully ready to lay down his life for the gospel and upholding of righteousness. God is infinite in riches and honours and it can't take him 24 hours to decorate such a faithful servant with all riches and glory, 

Hence, in most cases, before he showers such blessing and riches he will tend to look out for a perfect-will daughter of Zion who is willfully and readily going to accept his faithful son and believe in his spiritual vision, hope and faith.

And when he eventually unleashed such a blessing, it will be properly managed by two individual children of God who understand the mystery of patience, endurance and faith in God.


Hi, damsel, Please remain calm and wait upon God's perfect-will husband. Either he is jobless, illiterate, squatting under the bridge of Lagos or still struggling in life. It doesn't count before God because he is not a wicked God of poverty but rather a God who is perfect in testing "faith" before the blessing.

So, kindly accessed the spiritual life of such a man, go into dry fasting and prayers and ensure you hear audibly from God. And if God is involved, please accept his marital proposal and very soon you shall look back and exclaim, "God indeed can do all things!"

And if you tend to act adamant to this godly instruction and entangled with an unfortunate man base on his money, riches, investment and those ye-ye and foolish showering of gifts, cares and loves.

And ignorantly neglects the spiritual attributes of such a man, I mean, his dying commitment to praying and fasting, zeal toward evangelism, heavenly mindset, honesty, truthfulness, hopefulness and faith in God.

Honestly, in due time you will shed tears in that unfortunate marriage. You will be caged and imprisoned for the rest of your life because a carnal man will always be carnal.

While a spiritually dedicated man who has undergone immersion water baptism in the "water of mara" and graduated from the "university of tears in the wildness"

I mean, a man who has undergone trial, persecution, pain, and torture and eventually approved and perfected by God will never and shall never misbehave in marriage. He will certainly care, loves and upholds you as a golden treasure despite your erroneous attitude. (Pls go for God's perfect will because it pays)

