Good Health, The Greatest Gift to Mankind - Lynda Akawo speaks in Pre birthday nuggets


It's with deep gratitude to Jesus that I pen down these words ahead of my Birthday tomorrow.
On the 1st of this month, I noted on the first post I made that this is going to be my Favorite birthday yet. It's no mincing words. Every bit of that statement is as real as it can be.

For the few people close in my life, they can all bear witness to the fact that 2022 has been one of the most horrible years of my life yet when my health was attacked earlier this year.

2022 is that year that the devil and his cohorts tried all possible means to see me six feet beneath the ground but Jesus screamed a big NO!

It still amazes me how this year records the highest time I've had to be active in this space regardless of the troubles it brought. Not just being active, but also with every strength and stamina, there is. Pulled through with no trace on my contents whatsoever, unless I'd told you.

It's my most horrible year yet but also the year that has given me my GREATEST testimony and miracle. The miracle of the preservation of my life.

It's on this premise that I conclude that of all the blessings that God has given to mankind, good health is the Greatest.

That phase of my life made me deeply emotional and sober towards anyone I see fighting health issues. I can only say that God in His mercy step in for you just like He did and still doing for me.

It may interest you to know that they were a point  I doubted if I was going to see this year's birthday.

So when you see me being overly joyful and making the most noise about this birthday and you're ever tempted to raise your brows, I'd advise you to take a chill pill and see things with me from the brighter side.

All you see me do is my way of worship and gratitude to Jesus for life. For perpetually shaming the devil and his cohorts. For giving me the testimony of being up and alive. I am one of the world's biggest testimony of the proof that Jesus is indeed alive.
I wouldn't also fail to mention that this year taught me the biggest lesson of my life too.
Regardless of the bricks thrown at me from corners I least expected, I am glad they are only making a pretty solid foundation for my next level.

I watched myself bravely and courageously handling each of those scenarios better than I would every other year.

I watched myself facing my biggest fears dauntlessly for the first time and the greatest good.

Fearlessly decluttering my space of anything and anyone that was never serving a good cause and with no genuine intention in my life and valiantly taking anything as they come with no spring of surprises, daring to put my sanity and my mental health first. 

I am proud of how I handled all of these and still stand stronger and more vigorously than ever. I didn't fold. I didn't crack. Still having my head held up high. I owe it all to Jesus.

So when I said this is my Favorite birthday yet, I believe I have been able to give you a glimpse of what that means.

It's with these and more in mind that I am here today returning all the glory to God, the doer of all these things. For health. For the presentation of life. From the lessons learned. A flourishing career and many more blessings.

I look into my life and I am convinced of such a thing called Grace. If I'm asked to define Grace, I will end up telling my life story.

I'm grateful for my parents and siblings. For being there every step of the way. It's no mincing words when I say I've been gifted with the best Family yet. My all-time biggest support system.

Grateful also for all the people that are close or remote in my life who are loving and kind to me. To my entire readership also, I dare to say You Are The Best. This baby girl is grateful. 

Today, I raise a glass to this new chapter in my life that is to open tomorrow. Still the same girl, with the same name, just a different mindset and a new growth game. 

Baby girl Lynda, you are IT! There's no need to slow down, you are IT. For the confidence you exude, the audacity you emit, the originality you portray, the strength you carry, the positivity you spread, the love you pour, and the joy you bring, may you never run dry. Amen!
With the deepest heart of worship, I receive 30th November with every gratitude to Jesus. This is going to be my Favourite birthday and my Best year yet. My life is a testimony. I owe it all to Jesus.

Cheers to a New Year 

Darling Lynda Esq 
