Ugbede Ojo : Rev.Fr Boniface Drums Support for The Girl Child Education, Mine Talent to Change Status quo

I had an experience today which made me to realise that we are truly capable of doing many things if only we are determined and committed.
I went for Sunday Mass in one Village.

A little girl of about 7 Years stepped up during the readings. I thought she was coming to read in English. To my greatest amazement, she read in Fluent Igala Language.
Many of us know how difficult it is for most of us to read in our native languages.

This girl was astonishingly brilliant. I had to get up from my seat and applaud her spontaneously.
We know how difficult it has become for the children of the poor and the "commoners" to get quality  education in our country today. And this girl happens to come from a very lowly background. That makes her humble effort more news worthy and praiseworthy.

I see this girl who's name is UGBEDE-ỌJỌ as a bright spot on our darkened horizon where many of our children and youths have given up on themselves and the society. While the boys drift into cyber crimes for quick money, the budding girls try their hands on the inglorious trade of pr*stitution now branded as hook up. 

This experience has lifted my spirit. I can see that a new Nigeria is possible and a better tomorrow is not a mere utopia.

Let us not give up.


It is possible to give this girl SCHOLARSHIP in our good and affordable schools. We can do it together.
(Her full names and village is withheld for security reasons.) Whoever is moved can reach out to me inbox.

