Flight rates, Time and Costs : Evidence of Wicked Leaders in Nigeria

Brussels (Belgium) to Venice (Italy) 2 hours 46 euros = 23000 naira

Lagos (Nigeria) to Abuja (Nigeria) 1hr 25 mins. 75000 naira = 150 euros.

The minimum wage in Belgium is 1500 euros (750k naira).

The minimum wage in Nigeria is 30k naira ($60 euros).

For clarity, a person in Belgium earns more and spends less on flights, while a person in Nigeria earns less and spends more on flights. And if you are in Nigeria and decide to explore the other option of road transport, you are at risk of being kidnapped.

The difference is leadership. A lack of proper regulation leaves the aviation sector in the hands of a few rich men who continue to exploit the poor masses. 

I have said it before, things are more expensive in Nigeria than in most European countries, yet people earn meagre income when compared to other parts of the world. It is not colonialism, we have a very wicked set of people as leaders.

© Mali Idachaba, 2022

Rev., Fr., Kevin Oselumhense Anetor (fb)
