Refuse to Exist, Simply Live

We all usually lead our lives living in the past and thinking about the future. It’s when you are grateful for what you already possess today and thankful now for what comes next, you start living. The past will never leave our side, and the future will continue to make us anxious about all the uncertainties if we keep on existing without having a meaning to live every day.

The purpose of this piece is to tell you ; simply be in control of your life.Keeping in mind the difference between living and existing every day may help you choose and consider what you truly want and what will truly be the contributor to your happy ‘living life. In simple words, living and existing in life are two sides of the same coin.

 A person who is existing will not be happy with his or life whereas a person who is living his or her life will be happy and enthusiastic about life. The only thing that contributes to a truly ‘living’ life is your continuous attention to the things you love and desire. Keep on doing the things you love, things that really satisfy your soul.

A person who is merely existing doesn’t enjoy life; he has no passion, enthusiasm or interest in what he does. He or she will simply go through the motion of life, without having any aim or purpose. However to follow the path of my passion, desire, interests or vocation in life I have learned to lose. I have also learned to win. 

I have learned to choose the right path, even if it takes WALKING ALONE. In fact , I have learned to go against the winds even if my inner hearts says it is right. I have learned also to move fast or slow down but never give up on the will of God and independent mind. 

I have learned to cry, vent out my feelings and take a pause when I fail but never to accept defeat. Because in every defeat there is a seed of victory.. I have also learned to get up against when I fail. I have learned that things will never go the way we want them, but we can also always adapt to the situation and learn to live not just existing .

It can definitely be challenging to adapt changes from the ‘existing life’, to a ‘living life’. But life is what is worth the most in the end. A life of utmost satisfaction and fulfilment, a death without regrets and guilt. 

You are preserved !

Inah Stephen E.,  Columnist @ Koginfo
