Once your  responsibility to address the primary needs of the people especially at the grassroots becomes an chievement as House of Assembly member, That is Witchcraft.
It was not too long you won a stolen mandate to Kogi State House of Assembly, you started refurbishing an old ramshackle apartment in your father's compound. An avalanches of constituent trooping to celebrate your immaculate presence will go back empty handed,  not even a package water was offered to cool their nerves for entering scorching sun. 

An attempt to unravel the mystery behind the failure is often blamed on 'no money'. And that you got the money for the ongoing project from BetNija you won earlier. 

Now that you have declared free registration for JAMBITES , may be  you will say the money is from  lottery you won from permutations in pool office recently too.

A lawmaker is expected to brief his or her constituency at least twice in a year. At no time have we heard about it since you assumed  office. Or the law, perhaps, is abrogated  This singular act of briefing is even more than any project. The people will manage to open their mouths just for you to see their teeth, they are not actually smiling  or rejoicing with you. Deep inside their heart lies unhappiness. 

 Do not forget there are  abandoned projects in Igalamela/Odolu Constituency, you have  not gone there on solidarity visit to know the level of damage let alone to mobilize to their respective locations. There are boreholes begging for  attention, some no generator to power it, in other areas no money for fueling or totally destroyed. Besides more boreholes are needed especially in villages the peasants travel to a far distant place before having access to a river or stream. In some rural areas, water pumped out by private owners of the boreholes are sold at exorbitant price, and of course unaffordable by the peasants. This is indeed a pity.

 In fact, Famers need to be exposed to latest technological-know-how. This is to enable them cope with climate change and produce beyond subsistence level.

 Do not forget , there are roads to be constructed to ease transportation and exchange of goods and services. At least before your tenure expires, try win one or two foreign investor to boost production, employ the youth and be a blessing to the hosting community in your time. 

First degree holders need to go for second degree and as well their doctorate degree but lacks the financial capacity to pursue this set goals. Something needs to be done. A resourceful House of Assembly member will not lack the initiative.

The only silicon valley- Ajaka Markets deserved to be turned to ultra modern market, but CIA your body language and -no money- mantra, even, to your immediate family members is an indication nothing genuine will happen throughout your first tenure, not even a one kilometer road will manifest before we talk about how to close ever-growing valley classed by erosion along Emachi road. 

To forget your follower on assumption of  office, only to remember them at the expiration of your  tenure is witchcraft. 

Achile Akogwu
Concerned Youth, Ajaka, 
Igalamela/Odolu L.G, Kogi State 
sent in via


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