2023 : Declare Free Health, If You Are Intentional About Your Presidential Ambition

We are yet to witness, a credible presidential candidate for 2023. The available ones are out to fulfil long years of dream of boosting their profile as former president. Hardly can anyone declare free health, education and what have you. 
Health is a human necessity; health is a human right. Any leader eyeing number one seat of this country should be able to declare free health or cover if you are NOT out for business to make profit, recover loss incurred during campaign and rally which will not advance the masses far. 

Don't buy a product without agreeing with the label. A new product with expired content or substance  is pure poison. A young leader with expired and insensitive mind in government is a poisonous perversion of good governance, we all clamour for.  A leader who can easily turn against the people that  brought him or her to power, exactly the way tortoise turned against birds that borrowed it feather to fly to the sky is an error. Because he or she will be chasing shadow without the priorities. A system of government lacking  compassion, transparency, balanced decision making from the boardroom of governance to how policy can be translated  with meaningful impact on the lives of the masses at the home front democracy is evil, anti-people and balderdash. 

Let's be wise for once . Don't be deceived to sell your conscience for a plate of porridge or money at the expense of your future. We have being deceived for too  long. It is time to be wise. In Lagos state , it is an established norm, culture and law, every citizen graduate from higher institution is entitled to an automatic job either in public or private sector likewise states in Niger Delta. But the reverse is the case in other states particularly Kogi State as if there are no lawmakers. Where are we headed ? 

May we take our destiny in our hands , first by stop being a thug or lout for any politician. Let's call a spade a spade , virtually every home has a graduate staying idle because of inept leaders. It is as if there are no jobs across the state, some persons pinned it down for personal benefits and set frivolous conditions on it against outsiders or non political party members 

We shall continue to allow this ridiculous system to continue, wax stronger with longevity if we don't speak out and act now. 

With one voice we can remove that legs pinning your job , my job down.

 Arise let's say no to bad leaders, failed, corrupt and leaders who is not known for anything good and have no genuine track record of leadership among peers, and inclination. In fact a leader from an arrogant family shouldn't be our choice. 

To have a genuine leader, it is like a man in search of a right woman in marriage. He who finds a wife obtains favour from Allah. Divorce comes in when a man or woman finds a bad woman for himself or herself. It is evident , we have been electing or selecting leaders out of unholy wedlock. This accounts for why the masses are separated from a leader . When you elect a leader who quickly forgets you on assumption of office only to remember you at the expiration of his or her tenure in office , this is a bad marriage. It is a curse, a generational and foundational spell. Every lost day to break the chain will keep us in a vicious circle of failure, anti people policy, hunger disease and politics of populism rather than popular vote, rule of law, good governance and justice .

to be cont.,

Attai Stephen, Koginfo
