Idah - Anyigba Road 95% Completed, Transport Fare Still High , Demands Urgent Attention

Without the assistance of rocket science , we can say improvements in transport infrastructure reduce the costs of transportation. It also improve its quality, which makes goods and services more competitive, and stimulates growth in trade.

However the cost of taxi aboard Idah - Anyigba road still remains high and unabated. The price refused to come down to the bearable level at most 200 as against 500. Despite the wide spread news of its construction by Yaya Bello APC led government, the cost of transportation is high. And one of the indices to determine a well constructed road is drastic reduction of transport fare also known as TP.

From the court of public opinion boarding a taxi from Idah to Ugwolawo in Ofu Local Government Area is N350 against 50, 100 Naira at most . Sometimes some desperate passengers chose to pretend or lie to be on their way to Anyigba from Idah or Ajaka in Igalamela before the taxi will stop to pick them up, if not drivers will not meet up their target for the day dwelling on town service. 

The drivers prefer express journey, Idah -  Anyigba straight compared to town service. This is  because that is where the money is, especially those ones skilful enough to conquer the potholes, strong patches like a coat of many colours pushing up and down the vehicle and unnecessary meandering to avoid ruptured tires.  

No doubt road infrastructure helps tremendously to expand the economic opportunities available for the masses and find ways to narrow income and non-income inequalities, possibly eliminate poverty. The reverse is the case on Idah -Anyigba road. Even the number of passengers on board a taxi is an eyesore, most times four (4) persons both front and back seats amidst quarrels of 8 human beings capable of snuffing life out the vulnerable ones.

Attai Stephen, Koginfo
