Ofu LG : Atanegoma Primary School Occupies Strategic Position Not to Be Abandoned (Photos)

Man is not in charge today, money is in charge, money rules. God our Father did not give the task of caring for the earth to money, but to us, to men and women: we have this task! Instead, men and women are sacrificed to the idols of.. "corruption, self-centeredness and waste: it is the “culture of waste.”

A drive through the suburban, rural and remote areas of Kogi State reveals a significant number of incomplete/abandoned building projects littering the landscape. If not corruption and culture of waste , why will a government embarked on a project without considering the risk involved? 

It is not uncommon virtually in all local  government area of Kogi state particularly Ofu Local Government Area to find building projects being abandoned mid-way into the construction and allowed to waste away. Even if the project is, lucky,  to be successfully completed, there is no mechanism put on place to provide continuous maintenance which ultimately defeats the aim of the project. This is clearly showcased at LGEA Primary School Atanegoma village in Ofu LGA. 
The primary school supposed to be an epicenter of academic activities capable of accommodating pupils from avalanches of neighboring interior villages lacking the privilege of western education.

 In fact grasses have grown not just in a block of  classroom but in the expensive tippers of sand provided for the projects which is enough to tell how long the project is jettisoned. 

Government needs to  expedite action to curtailed the preponderance of abandoning building  projects and as well rehabilitate the ones in moribund state. The SUBEB or UBE building clearly indicates a shoddy job, not well monitored during construction, the celing falling- off including the fluorescent and so forth. Yet pupils and teachers take solace in a ramshackle tent which tentatively can be blown off overnight by storm. Pupils from peasant families are suffering in the midst of abundance  which does not correspond with a society that values democracy, equal rights and justice. 

The serene environment, hilly nature and the ambience of calmness of Atanegoma village is second to none to take a vacation there or spend or holiday. Ofu is a Local Government in the central part of Kogi State , Federal Republic of Nigeria with its  headquarters at Ugwolawo 

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