Office Politics : Employees not Valued or Appreciated Must Leave in spite of The Money or Perks.

Inah Stephen Eyiene Esq

Among people working together, challenges are bound to arise. Differences in opinion creates personality clash. Resilient is the best defence but cannot be over stretched. Simply be the voice of reason that bring colleagues close together. This is with a view to create bonds even outside the work place. 

Stay as impartial as possible !

The dark side of office politics is gossip. Backstabbing. Campaign of calumny for classical or material reason. Do you know the worse offender can be tamed ? This is by constantly shifting topic to something different. No gossip or conflict  last long without your active participation. Walk away from people continually looking for conflict and those  relying on anecdotal prescription to address matters of urgent public importance, fear them.  But help someone realize weak  points and improve on it .

Your unique sense of fashion, smartness, knowledge or talent is not to show off, expose someone else laziness and apathy or constantly hunting for advantage at the cost of others. Rather it is to create a family friendly environment. Working for money along rarely gives happiness or job satisfaction. A happy workmate equals happy work life 

What promote you is good office politics !

Good office politics helps you to give up habits that leads to negative atmosphere - I mean the ability to navigate relationship on a practical basis everyday. Then, network your ground reasonably. In fact you have the right to look people in the eye assert your performance politely. Because where you are now is the right place to develop. It is a stepping stone towards a bigger one. What fuel your potential is to be friendly with - your superior in the office -  people who have professional success and distance beyond you,  not the opposite

People do not leave bad jobs. They leave because of bad bosses, poor management, who do not appreciate their value. An adage in Igala parlance says " Imoto kpo, dolova n we we" meaning "once a car or lorry get submerged in a mud, the driver becomes uncountable. A Boss using two months to pay one month salary is exploitation. It is preposterous. Once employees do not feel valued or appreciated, they may leave in spite of the money or perks. Loyalty is a two-way street! Agree?
