Opinion: We Dont Care How You Got There As Long As you Got There

The purpose of a car is not to buy fuel. The purpose of a government is not to make money. While a car is meant to go somewhere and need fuel to get there. 

The purpose of a government is to accomplish something, to advance a greater cause, contribute to society and money will help get there. In general, there are four main purposes of government: to establish laws, maintain order and provide security, protect citizens from external threats, and promote the general welfare by providing public services. The worst thing that can happen to a people is when their absent is felt in their presence. 

You cannot run a marathon with no mile markers. Target and goals are important to us and that’s a good thing, abstract is no good at all. How do we measure progress where the people particularly workers are kept in isolation of decision making at the board room of governance. 

It is crystal clear the finest civil servants are making solid progress, ensure good system, the morale is really high, with low turnover owing to indiscriminate retrenchment confluenced with 30% , 20% salary let alone to talk about lack of bonuses ,arrears and other entitlements. 

On the other hand , we have another set of workers collecting full salaries and other benefits amidst government begging, borrowing , stealing , only  God knows what they are doing in the office really. This culture of waste must stop !

The purpose of a car is not to buy fuel. The purpose of a government is not to make money. The aim of a system of government is defeated if it is NOT solely meant for good of the public but for a privilege few. Even the few privileged to be appointees of the so-called government are seriously crying fowl everyday. Imagine , the just inaugurated Local Government council after frivolous election is alleged to have gone into agreement with the government to be collecting  N150,000 as Chairman monthly and N60, 000 as Councillor respectively before ( 12:12:2020) selection into office in Kogi State. What a sacrilege ! It is an aberration for leaders to say, “ we don’t care how you got there as long as you got there. 

Without mincing, words governments play a crucial role in providing services that typically private markets cannot provide, or they can provide but only in a way that is inefficient or unfair. Private markets cannot provide military security, vigilante or Joint Task Force for themselves. This services are not absolute , it must be measured or gauged by their level of progress report. A leader who lacks the knowledge or exposure on the role metric plays on governance will unavoidably  withhold workers stipend , deny them their entitlement all in the name of cutting cost at the expenses of the legitimate owner. This attitude must change to achieve positive impact in the lives of the masses and the future of the leader. You can only be adamant to this warning sign, if you have no future at all. You will become a commoner very soon on the street.

.. to be conti.

Attai Stephen 
