Kogi Clock in, Clock Out Government and Non-Paymemt of Workers Salaries : Corruption is The Cause

It is until we place the welfare of humanity above all else, in our politics, commerce, and in all of our systems, we will continue to  prioritize, good government above good governance, leaders above leadership, displaced policy and implementations - all  the wrong things. 

Apostle Johnson Suleiman, OFM said "Any man (in Leadership position)  who refuses to pay his workers (wages or salaries) would face the judgement of God..I have had staff for 15years and never owed salaries one day..even when the company runs on deficit, I do my best to pay..workers welfare is key for business health/growth" . The matter becomes worse when physical development becomes more important than human development. Who are the people to enjoy such basic amenities?

Ultimately God is consistently more concerned with the condition of our spirit than our body. Similarly, leaders should be disturbed about the absence of what can keep the body and soul together especially for workers directly under their nose. A leader who fails to be concerned about his or her worker  is corrupt, worse than the worst devil. Such a leader is surrounded by corrupt business tycoon on government coffers not aids at all. 

The leader corrupts the followers by telling them lies. But the followers corrupt the leader by believing the lies. The "almighty" clock in, clock out system introduced by HE Alhaji Yaya Bello APC led government failed to monitor workers attendance because of false rejection of workers during screening. 

The use of electronic device otherwise known as clock -in clock out which Governor Bello said  would finally determine the take- home pay of each worker with a view to fishing out indolent ones is a forgotten story. The huge amount of money committed to mass production of the device, customised software development and installation  is a big loss facilitated by corruption. May God help us to evade judgement on the last day. Displacing priority from workers welfare is evil, demonic and unacceptable. 

- Attai inah Stephen , Lokoja
