Interview: In Every One of Us, There is A Buhari in Us - Haruspice, Author of The Book, THE BUHARI IN US

We at koginfo congratulates you on the apparent success of your new book

Koginfo Newstainment : What inspired you to write this book.  But before then, May we know you, where you grew up and educational background and how many books written so far?

My name is Abdullahi Haruna fondly called Haruspice. I hail from the village of Imane with ancestral link to the Ochimane dynasty. Born in the open embrace of Zaria present day Kaduna state with tripartite educational voyages in the cities of , Abuja , Zaria and the US. I have authored three books , written in many dailies and magazines and blogs.

Koginfo Newstainment : Can you tell us about the book, what is it all about?

The book, 'The Buhari In Us', was written as part of that desire to document feelings into words, to add to the body of knowledge and fulfil an age-long desire to be read by a wide spectrum of the populace. 

Koginfo Newstainment :  What did you learn when writing the book?

 I learnt the fact that to accomplish anything in life you must persevere, hold tight to your conviction and convince yourself that what is with worth doing is worth doing well. I also learnt that the subject of my writing is after all human with all the trappings of imperfections, perfections and strides.

Koginfo Newstainment: What does the title mean? Some titles are self-explanatory, The Buhari In Us has its meaning hidden inside another one and so forth.

The title is self-explanatory, it connotes the fact that in every one of us there is a Buhari in us. When we talk Buhari we talk about integrity, honesty, fearlessness and leadership. When all of these qualities are analysed, we will end up finding one or two of these traits in us.

Koginfo Newstainment : Is The book financially rewarding to you ? Perhaps somebody is bankrolling this project.
 Authors do not write solely for its financial gains, we write because we want to be read. When you write for money, expect financial rewards but not creative satisfaction. My decision to write this book is beyond the financial gains, it's an innate fulfilment nursed for a long time.

Koginfo Newstainment : Is there a link between conventional democratic principle  and the current political history demonstrated by President Muhammed Buhari APC led Government in your book?

 I won't be missing him because I already imbibed in me his values and philosophies, besides in my hand is a summary of his personal and political voyage- I will perpetually be tied to his existence.
