Good Governance Demands Clean Hands: No Bias !

It is an aberration to seek good governance without a crystal clear vision, timely and transparent implementation  of policies to address the primary needs of the people. The  maxim, “ He Who Comes To Equity Must Come With Clean Hands” can attest to this assertion.
The maxim is not a moral persuasion. It is rather an enforceable rule if law. In the court of law, It does not require every plaintiff to have an unblemished background in order to prevail. However the court will refuse to assist anyone whose cause of action is founded on his or her own misconduct toward the other party. A man or woman at the boardroom of governance with genuine, purposeful mission and vision statement cannot be distracted by backstabbing, gossiper, rumour mills and of course disparaging office politics or  criticism. 

Just as a leader is not the same thing as leadership. Good government is also not the same as good governance. While a leader is a mortal being  interested in managing resources, cut cost to achieve a set goal for it’s followers. Leadership is not a magnetic personality capable of making friends, caucus and influencing people as many are made to believe – that’s flattery !

Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its moral limitations. A leader in leadership is a servant of the people. 

Leadership with precedent knows what the  people’s primary needs are, and the resources to address it for positive change. The fundamental act of a leader who knows leadership is to induce masses to be conscious of their pains to move into purposeful action. A leader who finds it difficult to accept responsibility for an act or failure to act is not fit for any leadership role. 

Good government is a system of leadership that most effectively secures the rights of the people and the rewards of their labour. It promotes the masses happiness and  also do their will. This means "The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the only legitimate objective of good government." —Thomas Jefferson to Maryland Republicans,

... . to be continued

Credit: Koginfo
