Dekina LG : Baiwa Decried Horrifying Attacks and Killings in Anyigba

Dekina LG : Baiwa Decried Horrifying Attacks and Killings in Anyigba

Anyigba is Igalaland commercial centre. The place is a surbub under Egume district in Dekina Local Government Area. The meaning of Anyigba is laughter everywhere you go (Anyi Gbaaaaaa !) .The reverse is currently the case today.

 The urpsurge of violece thuggery, extra judicial killing is making the renowned epicenter of laughter, peace  synonymous with summary execution, and the germinating ground for jungle justice , youth violence and radicalisation to the extent of making thuggery and arms proliferation a regular business among the youth and the merchants of death.

No one wants to die. In a life of crime, one way or the other you would get killed. In other words , he who lives by the sword will always die by the sword. Imagine human being pointing weapon at fellow human being , mere touching the trigger, after some struggle life is gone. Can anyone tell me this instruction, the impulse to commit such a big crime at that levelis from God ?. I disbelieve it.  It is our own fault as an individual, not the nation, the economy and so forth. We need to cooperate with law enforcement agency with vital information on any perceived unwholesome association, nefarious movement to nip such criminal activities in the bud before it escalates

Meanwhile, it is said "silence is a crime, where there is injustice. The hypocrisy and conspiracy of silence shown by igala intellectuals, leaders of thought, elders statemen, politicians does not help repudiate the metaphysical justifications of those who condone such attacks. In effect, the more Igala Elders failed to  condemn such evil committed by the bad eggs, the more this reaffirms the supposed link between ourselves and the assailants.

Reacting to criminal activities, summary execution, extra-judicial killing witnessed in Anyigba recent times. H.E Rt. Hon Hassan Baiwa Abdullahi member House of Representative DEKINA/BASSA Federal Constituency expressed his displeasure and  heavy heart and so much pain over the incessant attack and  killings in Anyigba. 

“First and foremost, my heart goes out to the families of those who has lost their lives due to the spate of killing that have almost became a daily occurrence in Anyigba. This is a very sad and painful development and I condemn this wicked act in it’s entirety” 

“No matter the level of provocation there can never be any justification for taken another person’s life, no explanation would suffice either.” : he said

Our elders, leaders of thought, politician must make their position on such crimes and criminalities well known and unequivocal. Initiative must be put in place to address the challenges of homeland insecurity. Baiwa pointedly remarked

 “ I am already liaising with some relevance authorities to unravel the immediate and remote cause of this worrisome and despicable act with a view to forestalling future occurrence.”

“Peace must return to prevail in Anyigba, and the entire Igala nation and our dear state by God’s special grace.” : he added

- Inah Stephen Eyiene, Lokoja
