- you have made your voices heard in this process.

- We must continue to hold our leaders accountable

- we won, but unfortunately, we became victims of a defective electoral and judicial system

Dear Kogites,
Following the supreme court judgment on the gubernatorial election that took place on Saturday, November 16th, 2019, I want to take this opportunity to thank my supporters and everyone who invested their time, resources and energy to support our cause. 
To those who stood by our campaign every step of the way, I want to thank you. The passion that you brought into this democratic process and your participation has not been in vain. Because you have made your voices heard in this process. In the final analysis, win or lose, our dear state will be better for it.

The fight might be over, but the struggle for a prosperous Kogi state must continue; to ensure that governance improves and that government continues to work for the interest of ordinary men and women, not just few overlords.

 We must continue to hold our leaders accountable by choosing on our end to be, first, informed about the issues and, second, to participate at all levels. This is the only way we can build on the gains of our democracy.

It has been an absolute honour running for the highest office in our dear state. we won, but unfortunately, we became victims of a defective electoral and judicial system in Nigeria - influenced by the federal might and money. 

Tough times don't last, and in no time, the will of God will be done and Kogi state will be great again. God bless!

Musa Wada
