Daddy Freeze Deeply apologises to Bishop David Oyedepo, Praying for Collective Approach to Christianity, Not Dogma

Daddy Freeze apologises to Bishop David Oyedepo for referring to him as a "Bald-headed fowl". Daddy Freeze is the  Convener, Free Leadership Movement and Leader of the Free Nation in Christ

The video which Freeze released almost three years ago, recently generated controversy after Port Harcourt-based pastor, David Ibiyeomie, stood on his pulpit and verbally assaulted Freeze.
“My intention have being drawn to the video I released two (2) years , seven (7) months ago while addressing pertinent issues that arose back then.” : Freeze Said

Ibiyeomie while preaching, said he would not be alive and watch Freeze whom he described as a "Bastard", attack Bishop Oyedepo whom he described as his father.

Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis Church in Abuja also released a video attacking Freeze for disrespecting his elder, Bishop Oyedepo. He referred to Freeze as a 'mad dog with bipolar"

“I apologize for the delivery if my message and for any insult to Bishop David Oyedepo in the video. As I do not in any way intend to dishonour, disrespect or disregard the person if the Bishop. The perceived intention to the contrary is regretted." 

Freeze also pointedly said his method of addressing doctrinal issues have long since evolved to a more scriptural and less confrontational approach. 

" I was and still am very passionate in my quest to address what I believe are unresolved doctrinal issues, however from a more amiable perspective.
I am of the firm believe, that for our faith to thrive. 

We as Christian believer have to , as a collective be open to absorbing new theological and doctrinal frame of reference as against faith model subsumed in unchallenged believes. This I believe can be achieved in love for the furtherance of out faith. So help God”: Freeze added in supplication
