Wada/Bello Supreme Court Judgement : Appointed or Disappointed May We Exchange Jerseys like Footballers after Match to meet again as Team Mates or Opponents - Aio White Speaks

Contrary to the expectations of both camps, judgement was last week reserved for today (31st of August, 2020) by the apex court. And, like I told you last week before the court hearing, I am still maintaining my ground that we should reduce anxiety and the unnecessary tension. 
For or against, the judgement will come and go like the others and the state will still remain. But whatever we do today after the judgement will make or mare our unity and progress as a state.

To Wada and Bello, since the person that is ruled against is at the receiving end, let anyone of you that is ruled for, embrace the other as a brother and not a looser so that the door to reconciliation can be easy to open after the judgment. 

Please show this no winner, no vanquish to your supporter as a good example sir.

And to you the supporters, do not call one another other ugly names or do harm to yourselves as your principals will meet in a private place where you do not have access to settle themselves without you knowing. 
You will see frontliners in support of the government today joining the opposition tomorrow. because they did not meet their expectations (disappointment) and those in opposition today, joining the government they are condemning for an expectation (appointment)...Disappointment or appointment, all na interest.

In all, let us please shake hands in peace and exchange jerseys like footballers do after every match so that when we meet again in another match as team mates or opponents, we can play with love and the understanding that we shared as opponent and not enemies.

Thank you.

Aio White
