Hon., Achimugu Samson Ojodale Bagged Peace Award

In a bid to ensure  peace reigns supreme in Igalaland, Catholic Diocese of Idah, Kogi State and Nigeria at large, the Idah Deanery CWO has awarded some special personalities as its peace ambassadors. 
Notable among the recipients were the former Local Government Council Vice Chairman, Hon Achimugu Samson Ojodale, Igalamela/ Odolu LGA. The Idah Deanery Catholic Woman Organization (CWO) awarded Hon. Achimugu as a prestigious“Man of Peace”. This is an incredible honour bestowed on him with the confidence that the awardee has track records of sustaining peace, non- violent attitude where there is hatred. Besides he has passion to give his life, talent and high measure of public service and support towards building a society constantly from being victimized by it .
On this occasion, dignitaries present to celebrate in solidarity with Hon. Achimugu Samson Ojodale  at the Idah Deanery CWO Mother’s Day/Award Giving Day were  former Cashier Igalamela/Odolu Local Government, Mr Adams Sani, Mr Samuel Ochedi, Isah Alhaji Ebiloma, Hon. Godwin Sani, Mr/Mrs Hassan Alfa and his lovely wife Mrs Joan Achimugu. 

Responding to this honour bestowed on him, Achimugu who had been honoured with so many local and international awards, thanked the organisers and promised to project and preach peace among Kogites, Nigerians – Youth, Men and woman, saying we are better off living together in peace than living apart.
Hon. Achimugu dedicated the award to his (Late) Father Hon. Emmanuel Isah Achimugu, Oforachi. He  also accepted the award in loving memory of his  father-in-law Late Mr Daniel Alolo Isah Odoma who is yet to be buried as at the time of filing this report. This is important not because of peace in the grave but their sterling quality, exemplary life and style of peace they lived.

“ I experience this high and joyous moment not for myself alone but for those devoted to non violence and  united in the quiet conviction that it is better to suffer in dignity than to accept trouble or threat to life . These are the real heroes of Peace for  whom I accept the award as a Man of peace.” Hon. Achimugu Said
 “I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children--not merely peace for Idah Diocese but peace for all men and women--not merely peace in our time but peace for all time”: He added

Inah Stephen, Koginfo
