Kogi Nov 16 Election: Waiting with Bated Air for Supreme Court Verdict and The Prospect of A New Political Sheriff In Town

By Usman Austin Okai

It’s without a spark of skepticism that, Kogi State politics has taken a different dimension since the eminent entry of Engr. Musa Wada. Engr Wada is a political heavyweight. He  stormed Kogi political Arena with stride digitally referenced to modern political obtainability, at the wake of 2019 election. 

One thing noticeable on the lips of many political observers and or analysts about the last gubernatorial showdown in Kogi State is that, it is difficult to pronounce anything definitive. This portrays the prospect embedded in the Legal tussle between Yahaya Adoza Bello and Engineer Musa wada Who is hell-bent, pressing every legal button to retrieve his stolen mandate.

In retrospect, we can say, it has been unproductive and disruptive, and that there is a strong desire for change and complete departure from the past. This was obviously displayed as seen in the last governorship election in the State when Citizens who trooped out enmass to consolidate democracy by exercising their franchise were left to their fate .  They wrestled against fully armed men who shoot, maim and kill at will. 

It was an epoch the good people of Kogi state waged a revolutionary war against administrative ineptitude in a bid to oust the pilot. The pilot globally recognized with his counterfactual navigations in the North Central State calls for sober reflection. 

Engr. Musa Wada’s victory in the election held a couple of months ago was not pyrrhic, it was a land slide victory hijacked through the barrel of guns, and nothing could be truer than this. However, Engr. Musa Wada having cruised to an eccentric triumph by the unanimous Supreme Court verdict yesterday, means a lot to many people in the State and beyond. 

To some, Engr. Musa Wada will now concentrate on the main issue bothering on how to retrieve the stolen mandate from Alhaji Yahaya Bello who wasn’t elected but imposed on the good people of Kogi State in a charade of November 16th called election. Whereas, to another school of thought, yesterday’s victory has ushered in a new prospect of fresh air which has ended political godfatherism that has degraded Kogi politics for years.

It is however sad that, Kogi State is poorly and pitifully governed in a tyrannical form. It needs a radical change from insecurity, underdevelopment, mass hunger and poverty. the State is poor in social infrastructure despite been adjudged as the frontline States in the nation. Teachers and pensioners are owed, local government workers are not being paid thier entitlements, and civil servants at the State level are not properly remunerated. Oftentimes, they have their pays slashed for dubious and unjustifiable reasons but the oppressed cannot protest, therefore, a man coming to fix this mess needs the unanimous support of all and sundry. But unfortunately, the man who by standard should be a leader of all in this battle, constituted himself to be a mere distraction.

Engr. Musa Wada, not just a fighter with optimism but, a new Kogi Political Emancipator who has fought the good fight down to the Supreme Court, despite the name calling, intimidation and bullying from those who should have championed this magnificent liberation struggle. Obviously, Engr. Musa Wada, the new sheriff in town has conquered the spirit of fear and intimidation. It happened against all odds.

The huge victory at the polls in the last November 16 election suggests that our people are fed up with the status quo and want a new approach to governance, unfortunately the political armed robbers and mandate thieves hijacked the mandate that was freely given to Wada, we’re undeterred, well regimented, fully prepared and ready to fight on because Yahaya Bello’s incumbency is temporal, he shall vacate the seat just very soon by God’s grace.

Engr. Musa Wada is currently receiving massive supports from the length and breadth of Kogi State. It is a victory for everyone. If you truly love Kogi State, identify with the new sheriff in town and let’s win together.

Credit : Observer Time
