COVID-19 : Basic Facts About Corona Virus Disease, You Must Know



Corona virus is a spherical viral particle with club-shaped glycoprotein projections.
It is a single stranded (+sense) RNA molecule enveloped within a capsid of nucleoprotein matrix.


° The virus first infest the throat when ingested orally via water droplets or through the respiratory canal [nose] thus causing sore throat usually lasting 3-4 days after infection

° The virus then moves down through the trachea into the bronchi of the lungs after 5-6 days thus causing Pneumonia [i.e difficulty in breathing].

Covid-19 presents with the following clinical signs & symptoms
° Sore throat
° Dry Cough without sputum
° sneezing [Catarrh] without runny nose
° Fatigue
° High Fever
° Headache
° Pneumonia [Difficulty in breathing]


Corona virus can be spread through:

° Body contact with an infected patient

° contact with contaminated door handles, knobs, home utensils & for mites

° contact with contaminated Naira notes, clothings etc

° Inhaling water droplets from an infected patient through coughing, sneezing, kissing, yawning etc


The total confirmed cases in Nigeria as at today [21st March, 2020] stands at 22 with 2 recoveries & 20 patients still under medication.

There were 2 deaths arising from suspected cases but not a confirmation of Covid-19.


° Completely avoid coming in close contact with an infected patient

° Wash your hands regularly using soap & water followed by application of alcohol based sanitizers

°Always Keep a social distance of 1.5 metres away from people

° Drink [warm] water regularly to keep the throat wet & to help flush down germs in the throat into the acidic stomach which is unfavorable for Corona virus

°Avoid too much cold drinks & take more of warm water with ginger for throat gargling.


No known treatment yet but however, the United States Government has announced Chloroquine & its active compounds as the cure for the novel Corona virus disease [covid-19] after it was tested to be effective against clinical isolates of the viral strain. More so, International Health Authorities/bodies [WHO, CDC] are currently working on producing vaccines & drugs which can effectively treat the virus in the nearest future.

By the special grace of God, We will definitely overcome, & it's a matter of time, this Covid-19 shall surely pass away in Jesus name [Amen] But, meanwhile, stay safe!

N.B the virus may show no early sign & symptoms in some patients, so here is a test:

Hold your breath for 10 seconds & observe for stiffness or discomfort in your chest region, if there's none after the 10 secs lapses, then you're free

Abraham U.S [B.Sc Microbiology
